It's Been A Busy Couple Of Months
It's been a busy couple of months, hence the lack of updates. This won't be a long post, but at least it'll be something.
I've created a Mastodon account that you can follow if you'd like:
If I find myself using it a lot, I'll probably spin up my own instance, as I'd like to get some experience hosting and managing it.
Speaking of hosting my own instance, I've set up my old Raspberry Pi as a Gopher and Gemini server. I'm not ready to go public with it just yet, but will let you know as soon as it is.
I had a good Thanksgiving. I've family visiting, so that was really nice. As always, probably ate a lot more than I should have, but hey, it's Thanksgiving!
Alright, that's it for this entry. Hope the next one is soon!
Have a good one!
© 2018-2022 DonValor