I Really Need To Stay On Top Of This!
Well, it's been about a month since I last updated the journal, so here we go!
Keeping a journal is kinda hard for me. As you can see from the dates, my entries are not as frequent as they probably should be... Writing down my thoughts is not something that I'm great at, I guess.
My family is out visiting again. It's been nice having them here. We've been playing Minecraft and other games, as well as going out. Tonight's their last night here, so I'm hoping that we can do something extra fun. Maybe a movie night.
I read another blog that mentioned a text editor named Textreme2. I looked it up and HAD to get it. I guess the best way to describe it is, it's a gamefied text editor. Makes typing FUN! Here is a screenshot of it:
Screenshot of Textreme2
I think I will use this program to type all my entries from now on... :-)
Heck, I think it'd be cool if the author made a Gemini browser that was similar, or maybe an IRC chat client. I think I'll leave feedback and see what kind of response I get.
I'm seriously considering setting up my own Gemini and Gopher server on an old Raspberry Pi 2 I have laying around. Maybe I'll also set up a web server, too.
I want to take a vacation before winter hits. Usually, I always visit family, but this time, I want to do something by my lonesome. I've had thoughts on several places to go. However, finances are always a thing that I have to consider, so this vacation may not happen for a while. Alternatively, I COULD do a staycation, but I don't think I'd enjoy that as much. I would most likely just stay home. Which is not a bad thing, in of itself. However, I WOULD like to remove myself from my current environment... if only for a short while.
© 2018-2022 DonValor