A Month Later
Well, it's been about a month since I last updated the journal, so here we go!
My family has gone home, so I am back to being by myself. I must say, I got used to having them here, so being alone again kinda sucks. I miss them and hope to see them soon.
Work has been ok. Still stressful, but doing good. I am really hoping things slow down a bit, as the constant stress can't be good for me.
It's been raining a lot recently. Now, I'm not complaining, as I like rain, but it is kinda odd to have so much rain in the summer. As long as it's not too hot, I'l be ok.
Gas prices are slowly going the right direction, and I'm very thankful for that. Driving to work was getting quite expensive.
I started looking into Gopher more, as I vaguely remember using it back in the day. With my interest in Gemini, I really wanted to learn more about Gopher. I like what I've seen so far. That said, it's really made me appreciate what Gemini brings to the table. I truly understand what Solderpunk means by saying Gemini sits "in between" Gopher and Web.
The weekend is almost here. I, for one, can't wait.
This has been a bit of a disjointed entry. Lots of rambling... But I kinda like that. Maybe keep doing them like this? I dunno. We'll see... :-)
I recently purchased an FX PAK PRO for my Super Nintendo. It lets you add ROMS to a MicroSD card and load them up on your SNES. Along with my Everdrive N8 Pro, I can now play ANY Nintendo game from the 8 and 16 bit eras. Once I can figure out how to stream consistently again, I'm gonna have a lot of fun!
OK... We'll end this entry now. Bye!
© 2018-2022 DonValor